JS Intro
Dive into web development with our Introduction to JavaScript course. Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript, including variables, functions, and DOM manipulation. Build interactive web applications and gain practical coding skills. Join us today and start your journey in the dynamic world of web development. No prior coding experience required.
Introduction to JavaScript
Week 1: Overview of JavaScript, its history, and its role in web development.
Week 2: Setting up a development environment (text editor, web browser, and console).
Basic JavaScript Concepts
Week 3: Variables, data types, and operators.
Week 4: Functions, control flow (if statements, loops), and debugging.
JavaScript Data Structures
Week 5: Arrays and array methods.
Week 6: Objects and object-oriented programming concepts
Document Object Model (DOM)
Week 7: Introduction to the DOM, selecting and manipulating elements
Week 8: Events and event handling.
Asynchronous JavaScript
Week 9: Introduction to asynchronous programming, callbacks, and Promises.
Week 10: Fetch API and making HTTP requests.
Building Simple Web Applications
Week 11: Introduction to web development, HTML and CSS basics..
Week 12: Building a simple interactive web application using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- Regular coding exercises and small projects to practice concepts.
- Final project assessment and presentation.
Note: In the final week, students can work on a small JavaScript project of their choice. Encourage them to apply what they've learned throughout the course.