Angular Guru

Angular Guru

Master Angular, the successor of Angular.js, and build powerful, reactive web apps with 'Angular - The Complete Guide.' This comprehensive course covers Angular fundamentals, advanced techniques, and real-world applications. Dive in, gain expertise, be an Angular proficient. Master Angular and create dynamic web apps confidently by course end.

Introduction to Angular and Setting Up the Environment: Overview of Angular, its history,and its role in web development. Setting up the development environment, installing Node.js, and Angular CLI.

Angular Basics: Understanding Angular components, templates, and data binding. Working with Angular modules, directives, and services.

Components and Templates: Creating and using components in Angular. Building templates with Angular syntax and directives.

Dependency Injection and Services:Implementing dependency injection in Angular. Creating and using services for data sharing and business logic.

Routing and Navigation:Setting up routing in Angular applications. Implementing navigation and lazy loading modules.

Forms in Angular:Working with template-driven forms. Implementing reactive forms and form validation.

HTTP and Observables: Making HTTP requests with Angular's HttpClient. Managing asynchronous operations with Observables.

State Management with NgRx: Introduction to state management with NgRx. Implementing actions, reducers, and effects.

Final Project and Course Review: Students work on a comprehensive Angular project that incorporates various concepts learned throughout the course. Final project assessment, code reviews, and course review.

  • Weekly coding exercises, quizzes, and assignments.
  • Mid-term project to apply Angular concepts learned in the first half of the course.
  • Final project assessment that demonstrates proficiency in Angular development.
  • Peer code reviews for collaborative learning.
Note: Encourage students to work on personal Angular projects and contribute to open-source Angular projects to gain practical experience.Stay up-to-date with the latest Angular updates and best practices to ensure the syllabus remains relevant.